Date of the 2nd exam: The re-exams will take place on the 11th and 12th of March in room 2.074. Please contact Clemens Rösner to schedule the time of your exam.
Things that are NOT relevant for the exam: Chapter 2.7 (outliers) will not be discussed in the oral exams. The same is true for proofs that were deferred to the tutorials, and tutorial questions. These are there to improve the general understanding of the material, but they will not be discussed in the oral exams.
Exams: The exams are oral exams. We offer times for oral exams on the 4th, 6th and 8th of February. After enrolling for the exam in BASIS, please contact Christiane Andrade to schedule the time of your exam.
Lecture Notes: The lecture notes have last been updated on the 25th of February and cover the whole lecture!
The content of this lecture is the theoretical analysis of approximation algorithms for cluster analysis, in particular covering the following areas:
When | Where | Start | Lecturer |
Tuesday, 10:15-11:45 | INF / Room 2.078 | October 09th | Schmidt |
Date | |
October 09 | 1 Introduction 2 The happy world of k-center 2.1 Definition 2.2 A simple and elegant 2-approximation |
October 16 | 2.3 A matching lower bound 2.4 Incremental and hierarchical clustering |
October 23 | 2.4 continued: Proof 2.5 Another elegant 2-approximation |
October 30 | 2.6 A streaming algorithm for k-center |
November 6 | –cancelled due to illness– |
November 13 | 2.7 The k-center problem with outliers 2.8 Fair k-center |
November 20 | 2.8 Fair k-center (ctd) 3 The exciting world of k-means 3.1 Definition 3.2 Lloyd's algorithm |
November 27 | 3.3 The k-means++ algorithm 3.3.1 D2-sampling as a bicriteria approximation |
December 4 | 3.3.2 A glimpse on the analysis of k-means++ 3.4 Dimensionality reduction |
December 11 | 3.4.1 The Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma |
December 18 | 3.4.2 The Singular Value Decomposition |
January 8 | 3.5 A Coreset Construction |
January 15 | 3.5 A Coreset Construction (ctd) 3.6 Merge&Reduce |
January 22 | 3.6 Merge&Reduce (ctd) |
The lecture notes cover the content of the lecture.